Home FARM Summer Visitors & Interdimensional Portals

Summer Visitors & Interdimensional Portals

by Richie


August rolled around with a host of visitors.


I’ve been looking all over for the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Should be in the soybeans somewhere…

Last month I went camping for a couple of weeks, and creatures of every variety took advantage of the dog’s absence to roam the property with impunity. Which left my SUV unguarded in the carport.

That’s when Gary the Groundhog took up residence under my hood. He munched his way through a bunch of important wires, disabling the car.

After a week with the mechanic and a hefty bill, the car was mobile again. I figured I’d better trap that groundhog and move it to another location far, far away from my car. I caught Pete the Possum instead…

On the other side of the farm is a road to the cabin which rarely gets used. We put a trail camera on that road, just to monitor who comes and goes.

The trail camera has night vision capabilities and came up with some spooky images. I believe we’ve located a portal to another dimension…

A family of little brown bats has taken to sleeping in the rafters of our gazebo. Lookit those teeth!

Squeamish about bats? Here’s something cuter – a four-week old baby zebra. See how his stripes are brown? They will turn black as he matures.

We saw a bunch of concerts at Log Still distillery this summer – Dwight Yoakam, Dionne Warwick, Marty Stuart & The Superlatives. The Amp stage is right down the street from us.

And our overseas family came for a nice long visit. So good to have them around for a while!

A few days of swinging in a hammock at Rough River Lake rounds up the month…

Hope you’ve had a critter-free summer!




Beth Daniels August 23, 2023 - 2:29 pm

Quite a variety this time out! Visitors from everywhere, including Orb visitation from the Planet Orbison where they would have Ray guns if they had arms and hands to use them! So glad I’m a city dweller and don’t need to deal with bats (EEK!), possums or ground hogs. The deer are fine, graceful, majestic, so tell the dog to stick to chasing things closer to his own size! Unless, of course, the deer are helping themselves to your farm produce! The little zebra is adorable and in a category all its own. Loved it! 🙂

Birgit August 23, 2023 - 2:05 pm

Gorgeous images! But dang that groundhog!!!

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