Home OH Red Hot at the Reds Baseball Game

Red Hot at the Reds Baseball Game

by Richie


On the hottest day of the year (so far) we took my dad to a Reds baseball game at the Great American Ball Park in downtown Cincinnati.

The temperature was well into the 90’s, the humidity about as high, and we sat in the blister section in full sun. Mom was the only smart one and stayed home. She had seen a baseball game back in 1977 – been there, done that!

Say what you want about the Reds, but the ballpark is a well-run operation. For a downtown location, it was pretty easy to park and find our way to our seats.

I’m told that Reds stadium has the cheapest food in all of MLB. But a beer and a hot dog will still set you back almost $20.

We lasted about two innings in the full sun before we were forced to retreat to a shadier section. Misting stations were set up in the concourse where you could stand in front of a giant fan spraying cool water. I walked through it a couple of times just to take the swoon off.

We saw a couple of home runs that put the Reds ahead of Detroit. But by the 7th inning stretch we were well roasted. Batter up and fried. The Reds finished the game without us, and won 5-3 which we read about in the paper the next day. 

We all agreed we’d like to see another game sometime soon when it’s cooler – like in November. Not sure the season lasts that long…