Come set a spell at Arlene’s Barber Shop…
I convinced the local barber lady to let me photograph her shop, located in downtown Bardstown.
Barbershops are an intimate setting, especially the old-fashioned ones. Just like Floyd’s from Mayberry, you can eavesdrop on local news and get the lowdown on the town’s characters.
Over the course of a few days I was an outsider in an insider’s world. Folks got used to me lurking around with a camera. They chatted away as if I wasn’t there, like you would with a taxi driver or a waiter.
Being an outsider is a familiar feeling. I regularly get asked about my accent and origin. I sound like a stranger, even though I’ve been in town over a decade. My stock answer is: “I got here as quick as I could.”
Which leads to the question: When exactly do you become an inside player? Do you have to be born in the place? Does time lead to acceptance? And how much time are we talking about here?
I figure I’ll always be a bit of an outsider in this small southern town. My demeanor isn’t going to change at this point. I’m often one word away from offending people with my brassy New Jersey ways.
Anyway, I had a good time hanging out at Arlene’s Barber Shop. Please note – due to inflation the song is now: “Shave and a haircut, twelve bucks!”
And Arlene liked her printed photobook.
Anytime you need a stranger to photograph your place, let me know. I’ll be right outside!
Pete and Tony have gone here for years.
It’s an institution!