Home GA See Rock City Atop Lookout Mountian

See Rock City Atop Lookout Mountian

by Richie

Rock City

High above Chattanooga on Lookout Mountain is a famous nature trail filled with gardens and gnomes. You’ve got to See Rock City!


Rock City

Maybe you’ve seen the old advertising for Rock City? There’s still some signs around from the 1940’s when barns were painted all across the south with the slogan See Rock City. It became iconic. Hundreds of barns were painted. Picture books were made, maps were printed to find them. And today it’s the emblem of this unique destination.

Rock City is a fabulous botanical garden set among the cliffs of Lookout Mountain. It’s been a popular spot since the 1930’s, and for good reason. They’ve had 90 years to groom and refine the paths, making it a delightful afternoon stroll.

In Rock City you amble through pathways, gardens, and little caves on an easy walk. Even dogs are welcome. Coco is well behaved in public, and I mostly am, too.

There’s rock cliffs, waterfalls, Fat Man Squeeze, and a swinging bridge to explore on your way to the observation point.

Rock City

Rock City

The walk leads you up to Lovers Leap, a high observation point where you can “See Seven States.”

Rock City

A series of terraces at the top is a good spot to relax and admire the sweeping vista.

Follow the path down to Fairyland Caverns. This grotto features gnomes and storybook statues, all imported from Germany in the 1930’s. The gnome collection is a particular passion of the family who has owned and operated Rock City all these years.

The last path leads you back to the gift shop. Don’t forget to buy a barn birdhouse on the way out!

I hope you get a chance to See Rock City – it’s open all year ’round and one of my favorite places!



Gail December 20, 2024 - 9:59 am

Of course, I have a Rock City birdfeeder.

Richie December 20, 2024 - 11:10 am

Excellent, Gail!

Beth December 19, 2024 - 11:03 pm

My knees ached just looking at that really, really long set of stairs and that narrow walkway through a deep crack in the rock…tiny space freakout spot for me. Fortunately, I have you to do the visiting and adventuring of places like this.

Was that a statue of an eagle or maybe hawk (not a bird spotter but seemed eaglish to me) in the one photo? If it was real, awesome that it chose to be part of the grandeur in that shot.

I actually didn’t know there was a spot to look out over so many states before. I’ve been to Four Points out west but that junction is fairly flat and void of scenery by comparison.

Merry Christmas and here’s to many more awesome travels on your coattails, Richie!

Richie December 19, 2024 - 11:07 pm

That See Seven States might be a bit of a stretch 😂

Peggy December 19, 2024 - 11:44 am

This brought memories of our visit to Rock City years ago! We passed Rock City over 5 years, enroute to visit Matt/Beth in Athens, GA and never stopped until after they had moved to KY. We then did a weekend in Chattanooga, and the highlight was Rock City, the Fairyland Caverns, gnomes and storybook statues. Yes, would highly recommend–much to see for a weekend visit, a pedestrian bridge to the Hunter Museum of Art, Tennessee Aquarium, Ruby Falls and the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum!

Richie December 19, 2024 - 12:20 pm

Rock City is the best!


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