Have a favorite haunt? Mine is Madison, Indiana.
Funny how we return to certain places time and again. Maybe it’s a beach, the high desert, or an alpine mountain. Or maybe just a favorite neighborhood. They’re places we want to soak up and live in, if only temporarily.
Perhaps it’s the beauty of the town or the history it’s steeped in that makes a place resonate so deeply.
Sometimes it’s the vibe of the people that makes a town special. Like you’ve found your tribe. They match your energy and share the same sense of humor.
Sometimes it’s the locale itself. The spirit loci just feels right. You’re in tune with the surroundings.
And if that favorite place yields surprises every time you visit, well that’s a bonus.
I visit Madison every year. Camp along the Ohio River. And tour around every neighborhood and back alley on a bicycle. That slow pace gives an intimate view of the town and a chance to find hidden gems.
There’s something soothing about flowing water, too. Even on a busy river. It’s endlessly entertaining.
Returning to a favorite place over and over just seems comfortable. You become familiar with the rhythm and pace of the town. Fits you like a good pair of slippers – well worn and well loved.
As the Summer Solstice moon rose over the river, I’d already planned my next trip back to Madison.
What’s your favorite place?
I’ll admit that my visits to Madison are drive throughs mostly. I hate crossing the river at L’ville or Cincy, so the bridge across the Ohio at Madison is my route of choice. Did the zip through June 27th!
Your comments are as soothing as your pictures.
These photos are wonderful!! What a great eye you have — really enjoyed this evocative post.