Home KY End of Summer Parade – Small Town Edition

End of Summer Parade – Small Town Edition

by Richie

At the end of summer I’m always looking for something to do. How about a small town parade!



The Iron Horse Festival in New Haven, KY was a good diversion at the tail end of summer.  I sauntered around, perused all the craft booths, but only bought a $1 hot dog.

It was a warm and bright day, so I found a slim node of shade on some stair steps to watch the parade. A family with a lot of young’uns squeezed in with me, all the kids complaining about the heat.

New Haven is a biker’s town. There’s a saloon that caters to motorcycles and road rallies make this a stopping point. The Kentucky Railway Museum is also here, with the tracks running right through the center of town.

I watched as dozens of bikers rolled into town – almost as entertaining as the official parade.

The local sheriff opened the start of the parade with his whoop-whoop siren, followed by fire trucks with blaring air horns. Hot rods and vintage cars came next.

The high school marching band, football team, and parade princess all made an appearance.

An assortment of other rolling conveyances followed.

Then the small town parade was over. Short and sweet. The end.

Good way to spend the afternoon. And it only cost me a buck for the hot dog!



Beth Daniels September 26, 2024 - 11:07 pm

You definitely have itchy feet from all the times you take off with your camera (and twitchy fingers on the shutter) as often as you do. The mention of the hot dog made me want one, too. A staple of growing up but now I think it’s been years since I saw any grilled ones to sample. See you on Tuesday!

Richie September 26, 2024 - 11:33 pm

I’ll take any excuse to get out of the house!

Lois September 26, 2024 - 2:12 pm

You’re so good at finding 😊

Richie September 26, 2024 - 5:17 pm

Learned it from you!

Davey September 26, 2024 - 11:50 am

Nice Richie! Makes me miss my bike 😁

Richie September 26, 2024 - 5:16 pm

I hope Batsy will play the biker bar soon!


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