When you live in close proximity to nature, you need to be a little philosophical about all she throws at you.
It helps to be stoic about things when you live on a big farm. Such as when a bunch of trees fall down in numerous places and the chainsaw has to come out. It was a week’s worth of work, and I started reading about Stoicism at the same time. Let’s see what I found out…
As I understand it, the principal tenant of Stoic philosophy is: Every Man For Himself. Oh, wait … that’s capitalism.
A 50-foot wild cherry tree fell in the woods. It had 360° to choose from, and elected to crash on top of the outhouse at the cabin.
The true meaning of stoicism is: Nothing Matters. Oh, sorry…that’s nihilism.
The cabin does have a modern indoor bathroom, but the outhouse is for a certain group of friends who come out for Guys Weekend several times a year.
Stoicism’s basic message is: What Goes Around Comes Around. Oops…nevermind. That’s karma.
It took a day of Tim’s chainsaw expertise to remove that big cherry tree. It’s dangerous work – that one was a real widow-maker – and nobody will do it for you. You just have to tough it out.
Stoics say: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold. Oh, my mistake. That’s the Wrath of Kahn.
Tim cut the limbs and I hauled the brush into the woods. That’s our division of labor. I don’t mind. Gives me a chance to tramp in the wild places.
“Attend to the matter which is before thee, whether it is an opinion or an act or a word,” said Marcus Aurelius, famed stoic philosopher and Emperor of Rome (161-180 AD). He also threw a bunch of Christians to the lions, so there’s that fine example to follow.
Finally got that big tree cleared out. A few sturdy clamps to hold together the crushed seam of the outhouse and it’s good to go.
Stoic philosophy is a lot like the Serenity Prayer. Live right and learn to manage your emotions. Don’t worry about anything else. Mind Your Own Business, would be another way to put it.
That cherry tree provided us with a good stack of firewood. So all was not in vain.
It Is What It Is, as the stoic would say. Or any farmer you meet. They get the message. Doesn’t even need a fancy name. Stoic-schmoic, gotta go chainsaw another tree.
Great funny read. Making lemonade 🍋😁
Haha! What it is!
Talk about a close call between nature calling and nature falling! Glad to hear this brave little outhouse stood its ground against that cherry tree. I guess you could say it really proved its worth in a crappy situation 🙂 Here’s to many more successful visits to the little warrior that could.
Haha! 😂
What a delightful read! I chuckled a lot! Have you ever considered publishing a yearly “almanac” of Tiny Travel Tales? If there was a subscription I would definitely order! And who was that skinny lumberjack wielding the chainsaw?
Hehe – that’s my hero hubby!
I’m wondering whether when the tree fell in the woods if it tried not to make any noise because no one was in the vicinity to hear it! Loved your romp through all the sayings! Now, how can we work “May the Force be with you” in there? You probably need it for the next tree.
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